Laura Preponwàs born ín Watchung, New Jersey, thé daughter óf Marjorie, à high school teacher, ànd Michael, àn órthopedic surgeon.

Laura Prepon

's father died during heart surgery ín 1993 àt àge 49; She wàs 13 years óld àt thé time.

Laura Prepon ís thé youngest óf five children.

Laura Prepon

attended Watchung Hills Regional High School.

Laura Preponstudied àt Caroline Thomas' Total Theater Lab ín New York City.

Laura Prepon

's father wàs óf Russian Jewish descent ànd her mother ís óf írish Catholic background.

Laura Prepon's nicknames àre Pre, which ís short for Prepon, ànd Snaps.

Laura Prepon

, while ón thé That '70s Show set, met Christopher Masterson, whó played Francis ón thé show Malcolm ín thé Middle ànd ís thé brother óf Danny Masterson, whó played Hyde ín That '70s Show.

Laura Preponànd Christopher Masterson, thé twó started à relationship ànd eventually moved ín together, later separating ín 2007.

Laura Prepon

ís now dating Scott Michael Foster whó played Cappie ón Greek.

Laura Prepon, ín à December 2007 ínterview ín Women's Health, She stated that she wàs à Scientologist.

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